Help us fly

Launch Network strives to close persistent achievement and opportunity gaps by providing holistic education to children furthest behind. By building a coalition of educators and educational organizations, Launch creates micro-schools within the public school system that provide authentic, whole-child learning environments. In this focused setting, children furthest behind receive the individual attention they need to thrive.

Years of research has shown that children who fall behind early in their education are very rarely able to catch up to their peers. By high school, the gap is typically insurmountable. Launch has enabled a remarkable disruption of this pattern. Not only are Launch students catching up to their peers, but they demonstrate growth trajectories that far outpace those of similar students who did not participate in the program. Over the next several years, Launch hopes to expand to more schools in the public school system, supporting a larger population of students who have yet to launch their potential. Help us launch with your donation today!

Corporate Partnership

Local business and organizations can help Launch Network, too! Please get in touch so we can discuss how your business can contribute.

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